Sunday, March 1, 2009

challenge-mellenge dr sizuka (edited)

aiyak! aiseyh.. segera2 buat! sok test! cepat2!!
1. Go to your photo folder in your computer
2. Go to the 6th folder of photos
3. Go to the 6th picture in that folder
4. Put the picture on your blog and description of it.
5. Invite six friends to join the challenge.
6. Link them in your blog and let them know they have been challenged..

# some1 yg very2 close ngan ak yg bg..
# hadiah kenangan p'pisahn mse kt matrix
# huruf H d'pilih sbb katanya smpena nme ak ngan dia
# x bpe pakai sbb cm syg nk pakai..
# sngt2 hargai bintang2 yg dia lipat2 kecik2.. comel!
# insya Allah, reunion 2011 t kte jmpe..
tanak challenge sesape~ tp klu nk bt, sngt2 dialu2kn..
p/s: elk kkliruan.. org yg bg kt ak rntai ni ialah rumet ak mse kt matrix..

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